Juliet A. Pilewskie
Dr. Juliet Pilewskie is currently a postdoctoral research scientist at the Center for Climate Systems Research at Columbia University (New York, NY). Her current work uses CloudSat/CALIPSO and CERES satellite observations to analyze mid- and high cloud feedbacks to better constrain climate model output. Dr. Pilewskie received an M.S. (2019) and PhD (2023) from the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During her graduate studies, she analyzed convective storm system properties to understand their present-day contributions to the Earth’s energy budget and water cycle. Twice-daily measurements from the A-Train satellite constellation were used to capture cloud, precipitation, and radiative effects of convective storm systems on a cloud object scale, and were supplemented with geostationary satellite observations and reanalyses to provide horizontal and temporal context to the storm features in differing environments. She holds a B.A. (2017) in physics from the University of Colorado-Boulder.